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Our Weekend Reading List: March 2nd

Sometimes there simply aren’t enough hours in the day and too many things we want to read. We become content hoarders. Stashing article, videos, and blog posts in overflowing browser tabs, reading lists, and Pocket folders.

Here are a few we plan to get to this weekend:

Oscars Embrace Streaming As Consumer Habits Shift
Alex Weprin, @alexweprin, MediaPost

Why I doubted Facebook could build a billion dollar business, and what I learned from being horribly wrong
Andrew Chen, @andrewchen, andrewchen.co

Driverless cars can operate in California as early as April
Johana Bhulyan, @JMBooyah, Recode

Something Fun

The Vatican (yes, the Holy City) is organizing its first ever hackathon
Alejandro Tauber, @AlejandroTauber, The Next Web